Monday, August 27, 2007

Girlfriends. Macam Macam Ada

I'm sure you guys have heard of Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend. I'm not really a fan of the song, but I like Avril coz she's.. ah.. urm.. nevermind, the thing is, there's another version of it.

Bout two months back, a remix of the original featuring a young female rapper called Lil Mama was released.

For those who have yet to hear it. Here it is.

The other day, I was driving and listening to and Girlfriend came on. But this time it's different.

Here's how it sounded like.

" wo bu xi huan ni nu peng you "
" ni xu yao yi ge xin de "

In chinese?!

But big deal, it was on the radio, you've probably heard it weeks ago.

Ahhhh, but you might not have heard of Kenny Sia's rendition yet. Created as a potential campaign video for a fellow blogger entering politics.

Here it is.

I hope you haven't had your dinner.


Monday, August 20, 2007

Happy Garden - Lah!

So Hon's got a blog. Happy Garden Lah!
I wanted but someone already took it.
And boy, what a blog that is. You guys should check it out and "
get some happy" there.

Apparently if you google 'Happy Garden', you'll find lots of Chinese take-out restaurants.

And so, i decided with happy garden lah. Why the 'lah' at the end?

I just think the word 'lah' makes the whole thing less 'formal' as this blog is not really meant to be taken seriously.

Plus, it's the Merdeka month.
The slang '-lah' is Malaysian-mah.

A bit of patriotism from Happygardenlah.